Cent façons de perdre son temps /
Hundred ways to waste one's time
Hundred ways to waste one's time
New series of postcards, 11 pieces up to now
It's all about wasting one's time, without considering the fact that life in itself is a waste of time. The card "My friends are not on facebook" is an exception to the rule – fakebook is the biggest loss of time ever, so NOT being on fakebook makes your time just nicer, you have more time to enjoy. Postcards available at Galerie Kim Behm, Mannheim and dock Basel 1 Hundred way to waste one's time / 100 Arten, seine Zeit zu verzetteln 2. Do I really have to translate this? 3. Why not smoke? / Warum nicht rauchen? 4. The pleasure of making things complicated / Die Freude an der mutwilligen Komplikation 5. Should we still ask for sense? / Doit-on toujours poser la question du sens? 6. The chaos in my head is unbearable / Le chaos dans ma tête est insupportable |